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Thread: AOD History

  1. #1
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
    Sergeant Major
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    First off let me apologize right off to SgtMaj lividium and all my old school swat3 guys if this isnt 100% the way you remember it. I write this with the thought that everyone deserves to know the what, where and when of the clan they have joined.Now first off let me say that I wont give a specific date of the first time I talked to a man named lividium only because I could only give u a very vague date and thats all it would be is vague, alass Iam old and I never thought it would be somthing to be remembered...hence I will say I met a man named Lividium about 3+ years ago in a game called swat3. I was a recent edition to the online community as I had just gotten my new gateway (which I still have today) and recieved a game called swat3 from a friend at work. He of course was all about the single player but for some reason I immediatly was drawn to the multiplayer aspect...which was good as Sierra had just updated swat3 to be multiplayer with there all to familier patches.Id say within my first hour I was hooked on swat3 multiplayer...even though I was getting beatup pretty bad. It was within these first days I met another relativly new swat3 player by the name of Lividium. He was my actual first online buddy so to we enjoyed getting beat down together..ha ha I said we where both noobs to the game.Id have to say we played a good week together before One day we where in a public lobby licking our wounds from another horrible beat down when we saw Tryouts for a new clan called AOD. Now I was new to the whole clan experience, but I had been schooled by lividium as to the basics of what a clan/squad where. I asked Liv if he wanted to go tryout ..of course the now typical Lividium respose of sure what the hell is what I got...We where given a tryout with about 2 other guys (worse than us HA!) and where soon to find out myself and lividium where to be the first rcts of a man named twisted tweak. It seems twisted tweak and another player from CS who we never met where forming this clan called AOD. He had a small quickly thrown up site that I still have the address of today..and of course we both started off as Pvts. Little did lividium and myself know we where the first and last rcts tweak would ever get and within a few days AOD as tweak knew it was dead..Both lividium and myself where informed that due to the fact that twisted tweaks friend coudnt help him and his recent family problems he could no longer try to start a clan.So here sits me and Lividium....the only 2 AOD in swat3 abandoned before we ever got started...but being the absolute Idiots we where we knew no better....and I remeber this conversation with lividium for some reason after talking with tweak....Smoke"well Liv think we should join another clan?" Liv "I dont know man what do u think"(another typical Lividium response HA!) smoke"na lets just stay AOD we can rct on our own" Liv"sounds good" My thought was that tweak would come back after his family issues and we would have been good little pvts..HA! little did we know!!!

    Exert from LividumYup thats pretty much the story Smoke..course back then the smoke daddy you love wasn't called smoke then.........he was called John how long i was telling my wife i was talking to John.......just to find out that wasn't his name.......LOL. The funny thing about makeing that tryout, was we thought we were getting into some big clan that had been around a while lol, till i asked tweak how many of us were there lol Those were strange days back then, hell that was when me and Smoke both had 56k lol........

    1 small fact is as lividium elluded to My name was not Liquid Smoke back then. It was AOD_Pvt_John_Gatty. It was a name I picked up from friends playing playstation...just one of those things I translated over to CPU gaming. However as Lividium elluded to Everyone thought that was my Real Name!!!!! and All I ever heard from people was John this and John that...and it just started really getting on my nerves as my name isnt even close to john HA! So as will be told later I changed back to the story...............................Well, After aproximatly 2 weeks of rcting as Lividium and myself knew it we had a whopping 6 rcts in AOD. 1 of the 6 was AOD Rct Krazy yes he was the oldest active AOD member until his untimly relievement of duty not to recently in MOH. Of course early in our recruitment lividium and I decided since we wernt the best of players that we should look for attitude first since with our game play and lack of any clan reputation (being new) we knew we woudnt be drawing in any of the better players, and even that was tough as u can tell by Krazy being one of my original rcts HA!(funny if u ever met Krazy)So here we sit myself and lividium 6 rcts and where still Pvts in AOD. Now around this 2 week mark twisted tweak started showing up again randomly and of course being the good rct Iam I asked about promotions and how Lividium and I could get them.....Tweak hosted a game on the spot...(the first ever AOD promotional match)..all I had to do was beat him 1 on 1 for a promotion. Well ladies and gentlemen like I said before Liv and I had been playing swat3 nonstop...and with now being in a clan and rcting we where animals playing till the wee hours of the night...Poor tweak had no idea what hit him...I beat the perverbial pants of that poor boy. One of those matches where you just want to log for the rest of the night and go crack a beer or go do anything else that might make you forget you got your head handed to you.I remeber looking at the score with the biggest Damn smile I think you can possibly have. We returned to the Lobby, (for some reason I remember this very well) and tweak about lost it at how much I had improved in just 2 small weeks....(of course it helped that he hadnt played since our tryout and I had played every night all night since then HA!)I was given the Sgt tag which at the time was the highest tag in AOD. Yes thats right Sgt was as High as you could go in the beginings of AOD. I was made Co Ldr with tweak on the spot. Liv was rcting in the room whille I had my promo match so Of course when we got back he was extremly curious as to the results and upon my promotion..(and Liv knowing that If I could do that then he could do it also if not better)...Lividium had his Promo match.(which of course he also spanked tweak into next week beating him worse than I did I do beleive.) Hence myself and Livdium where now Co Ldrs of AOD. Pvts for 2 weeks turned into Coldrs. Now for all intents and purposes Lividum and myself where already Ldrs when we where Pvts but its nice especially when your noobs for the guy who rcted you give you a promotion.Now at this point in the story everything started happeneing very quickly..Because now we had tags to back up what we did with or without tweak....U see we had the power as Pvts but we didnt know better and after all we are good guys and we never knew really how much tweak would be absent.But after that promotion to Coldrs we didnt see tweak for 3 or 4 more weeks, but like I said at this point we where mad men rcting nightly for Lividium and Myself we where having a blast.....At the begining there we would have contests between the 2 of Us to see who could get and keep the most rcts a night....(funny Liv almost always won those...But mine stayed in longer HA!) It was in these first few weeks of our new official roles that we begane to mold AOD into what it is today.I have to admit those first few weeks went by in a flash...and it was down right FUN! Of the first 20 members into AOD only 1 still remains albeit in a LOA status lol and thats Rockbottum. Ok guys thats enough for now......theres still alot to tell..our first Clan war,how AOD almost fell,and the desision of one SgtMaj to leave AOD.....also as our story continues theres going to be alot more current AOD names that you will Alot of our current Sgts start stepping into the Picture. Also theres a couple of mergers with other clans u may be surprised who In AOD used to be clan leaders all there own!!!!!

    Well at this point AOD is begining to pick up some steam,We have roughly 20 or so members in swat3 and Rcting more or less is going well, However nyself and Lividum have noticed by now the great turnover of people and that Rcting is somthing u can truly never be done with. On one of these rcting sessions Rock bottom was Recruted by myself along with a few other guys that never lasted long...and Rock said he would do a new website for us seeing as ours was very sub par and seeing as Lividum had just gotten the keys to the website persay it was not updated at with a grain of salt I told him to go ahead....hell I didnt know what he was going to do. I was just happy we could now update the site we did have HA! It was around this time that Tweak made his final entrance as a AOD member. Basically saying that his family problems where to much and that If Lividium and I wanted AOD we could have it..... Well now chuckling to myself of course we Graciuosly accepted tweaks offer..(even though me and Liv had been running it from the start HA!) there was no need to be snide about it...You see we found out Tweak was in fact only 14 and being that myself and Liv wher both in our 20's it was best to let him leave on his own terms...regardless of what actually transpired. LOL as I recall of all the rcts me and Liv had gotten at the start NON of them even knew who tweak was LOL.So about a week goes by and rock Aims me the Address for the new website...and needless to say it was 1,000 better than what we where using at the time. I contacted Liv and he was as impressed as me and we soon moved into the new site...However the site we have is still up today. Although it has gone through many changes The swat3 site we have today was ounce the Only AOD site in the clan...the main and only page For AOD. Ounce the new improved site was up Rcting became easier as Everyone knows a Good site goes a long way in helping rcting. Id say within 2 months AOD was roughly 50 members strong In swat3...and getting a very good reputation. It was then around this point where the Sgtmaj tags where introduced along with a revamped code of conduct and the Sgts system we have today give or take a few things(more ranks where added later).Well as we got bigger people begane to notice us more and more which tends to happen when u see a certain tag on alot of people, and AOD begane to form alliances on swat 3, Now alliances just tend to widen your player base for help like mods or in game of these clans was CCU. CCU was a decent clan...i mean they wernt great but they where helpfull and there leader Madman pmed me daily for advise and the like.....however this alliance quickly broke down as by this time rock bottom was a sgt in AOD.....due to the fact he was running our only website. And let us jus say rock was not always the cool and collective guy he is today....basically things got over dramatized and rock declared war on this poor clan...needless to say clan wars actual wars that is can get very nasty. things such as website hacking player bashing, spying, and fake names are just of the few of the things that happened daily in the swat3 heyday.without getting into alot of detail i can say we won within a day and had the CCU disbanded and begging for mercy...(not one of our brighter moments). Our own AOD GSgtRanger was coop colder of this clan and during everything but the actual beggining trash talk was handled by Ranger...Seems Madman was all talk went to war with us then left his clan to the sad. But we got 2 great members out of it In ranger and despyz so it wasnt a total waste.

    Exert From GSgt Ranger:
    Actually, I've been thinking about this for some time now and figured its time to post. I was NOT in MO clan, although, I was the CO leader of another clan named CCU. I can remember BEGGING and PLEADING with Smok, Liv and Rock about joining AOD and giving several explinations why you needed a coop section. To be honest, I think they let us in just to make US shut up. But, I did come over to this clan with someone else, his name was MADMAN. You 3 know who I'm talking about, the one who wanted to have one of the highest ranks on here and then threatened to quit and then put Smoke, me and Rock alll into some AIM game situation. After you decided to let him go I was almost canned just for knowing him! lol That wasn't the case when I gave you my word I would stay. That was the first time I had to run an entire division by myself with no recruits and a ton of DM players trying to convert me over to what I like to call... THE DARK SIDE. lol I stuck with it, and soon had a few players under my belt. Question was, who was going to help me lead the coop division?One day a young lad tryed out for my coop team and I found several problems. He wouldn't listen, he thought he was RAMBO and could take on the whole mission by himself. You know the kind. But, he was persistant and showed up almost everyday to play a game with me and still wanterd to tryout for AOD COOP. After a few weeks of begging and little progress in his coop abilities (he finally listened to what I had to say) I caved in and recruited Despyz, little did I know he would be later known as MOD GOD.

    Any way right after the war a new type of game play was introduced to AOD. Ladder gaming had now hit swat3 in the form of Starlance or SL matches if u will. At first when u where asked to SL......people wondered what the hell is that? but with a few weeks it had caught on in the clan comunnity like wildfire! I can say that AOD's fist ever clan match was played by myself and Lividium against BH maverick (BH LDr)...and BH (someguy I dont remember HA!) and me and liv kicked there AOD won its very first ladder match. Little did I know then that the BH clan would soon be one of AOD's biggest rivals. Well as SL started to hit the scene rock bottum was set on making AOD a ladder match clan....however lividium was not impressed at all with Ladder matches nor how people acted in said matchs as it always seemed that the SL matches always boiled down to arguements and name calling, and of course old smoke stuck in the middle.

    We have one member that's still around that joined around this time the coop ldr in swat3 AOD Ssgt Ranger. I almost want to say ranger was a member of the CCU clan and came over after the war...correct me If iam wrong ranger but I beleive this is when u joined AOD. I know a member by the name of despyz joined us soon after as he was the second in command of the CCU clan...unfortunatly despys is no longer with us but you'll see the AOD mod master again within this story. (ranger was indeed coldr of coop for CCU... and rcted despyz shortly after his defecture to AOD...ED) edited by smoke as per rangers post a little down the line here )Well at this point AOD was about split in 3 ways...Rock quickly rose to be coleader of AOD with myseelf and Lividium (my first big mistake as a leader) but he was soooo essential at the time and just a awesome rct for me that I promoted him rapidly through the ranks. Of course lividum cautioned me on this but Iam smoke and Iam quit hard headed as some of you know. Now Iam sure if rock was to tell it he'd say That I made him earn his rank...but To this day in hindsight he rose waaaay to fast. Now I say all this so that I can try to paint a picture of what situation I was In....SL or starlance rather. SL was catching on bigtime in AOD with about half our guys getting interested or involved in ladder matches....with Rock really running the show for SL. I beleive we boiled it down to Rock lead the Ladder peeps Lividium lead the basic clan stuff and I was both.Now through all this myself and rock spoke everyday I would try to give him tips on how to speak with peeps becuse like I said previously he didnt always have the patience or gift of gab he has today.. and I was constintly smoothing things over between him and other members. On this note Ill mention another old school name most of you dont know. Rock was to me what AOD cowboy was to lividium...and Cowboy will be included a little later but he was lividums prize rct as rock was mine.Now at some point weeks down the road Lividum and rock basically came to a boiling point. It seems tentions between the 2 had been getting more and more stressed from things over disagreements of member treatment to the handling of SL, and of course old smoke stuck in the middle again. I hate to say it but I felt for those last few days I was personeely holding thigs together and fearing for the other leg to drop as it where....and then It finally did!I remember the heart to heart myself and Lividium had with rock at the time not the words said specifically but the emotion involved in the conversation. At the end of this heart to heart I felt the 3 of us had now made peace and could move on from there. As a matter of fact I was beat I had been online non stop for 3 weeks straight through all this and after the meeting we 3 had I decided to take a day off from swat3....(ohh what a big mistake!).When I returned from my whole day off AOD was in turmoil. It seems Rock bottum had not Only quit AOD but had somehow managed to take over 30% of our members with him. Rock had now formed the Clan ICE...a clan totally (atleast at first) dedicated to SL matches and dominating the ladder. Now I wont comment on my personnel thoughts on this because I want this to be factual and not based off my emotions. However I will say I was told by many members that alot of Sgt bashing had gone on in my absense and lividums by a number of members that left.....Hence you have the first ever Split of Ill add that 90% of the time when a clan splits like this especially its leadership it pretty much means the clan is done for. However I remember being sooooooo Pissed off I almost tossed my Moniter out the window!!!!! I had recieved all my info from the members of AOD that stayed and everything I had just told you I received totally by second hand Info. Also AOD Ssgt Ranger was one of the members that left and joined the ICE clan GRRRRRR lol.....I finally got in touch with lividum that night and I can pretty much say that as you read how I felt u can pretty much times that by 2 for liv because like I said rock and lividum wernt the best of friends HA! However I cant disgribe to you how I embarressed and betrayed I felt at the time along with anger. I mean heck rock was my rct (I was resposible for him) and I truly felt Like I had personnely let lividum down with this in mind I had made the desision that night that no matter what AOD would survive!I wasnt going to allow a mistake of mine ( I thought at the time) to be what ended this clan. Well to shorten this story just a tad I spoke with rock (Finally) and was told that basically I was not the problem that it was lividum that he had issue with (and of course Liv with rock)....Arghhh what a time AOD had lost its website..oh did I forget to mention AOD's site that rock was doing was taken down no notice and a replacemnt of our website of a nice AOD sybol in Ice with the saying AOD has been ICED..haha I can laugh about it now but back then If I had a weapon and a oppertunity lol there would be no rockbottum today lol.Needless to say the 2 clans ICE and AOD agreed to basically disagree and just play apart and let our members settle down....Now it was some days after this that I tried to turn AOD totally over to Lividum. Like I said I was done, I was so beat up over rock's departure i didnt feel i deserved to run AOD anymore. Not only did liv deny running AOD he told me he was leaving AOD all together. He was sooo disgusted with what had happened he decided to call it quits....Well like I said There was no way I was going to let AOD die from a mistake I made.....So i tried several times to talk Liv back in several times that week almost succeding a few times but always a ICE member would come into our lobby and Liv would leave in disgust. I remember the last time Myself and Lividum talked before he went on his loa ...I remeber him saying good luck and that hed be around but that it was just to much drama...and in hindsight he was right.....I wonder to this day if it was say cowboy who had done this instead of rock if it would have been me saying goodbye instead of Liv.........

    Exert from lividum:
    Ahhh yes, i remember those days well, Smoke forgot but i'll throw this in here, right before i decided to call it quits and AOD was in turmoil, I had thought of maybe just scrubbing the board clean and starting completely over, with a new name and all. I think some of the stuff we tried was Scorpions, we did a short period in Tribes 2, which I think we called ourselves Stryke Force. And at that time only me Smoke and SpIke (my brother) were playing. But it seemed nothing was better than the Angels of Death, hell we even changed our screen names, I believe SpIkE called him self Ripclaw, and I was Black Anvil, I think Smoke was Mind Warp or something to that effect. Ahhh yes I remember those days loL

    Exert from rockbottum:
    ahhh Smokey....ya making me look like the DEVIL!! LOL...... just to add during that time, being a Co-Leader and the stress of the SL ladder has gotten to heights unknown. I was a bit unpatient and harsh with people cause my competitive level was so high in SL to capture first place. So the clan politics got to me and I made that decision to move on. I really didn't persuade anyone to follow, but I had many loyal clan members who respected me as leader.I don't regret doing what I did to form ICE, cause ICE will always be remembered as one the ELITE SWAT clans in history. Never once did a new clan rise so quickly to elite status and capture an SL championship. It was a learning experience and alot of fun. I say "fun" now cause it's in the past, but it was extremely STRESSFUL during that time!! Swat was no longer a game, it was a job.But bottom line, we were always AOD inside....that's where I came from, trained, learned the ropes, became a leader. If it wasn't for AOD, there wouldn't have been an ICE clan, nor I wouldn't have captured my prized SL championship. I guess the move was to only prove a point. To show that I could lead an successful clan on my own. The SL was the only thing important to me at the time. So when it was all over and SL came to an end, the waters calmed down, the communication lines re-opened....and we went back AOD.I can't tell you how many times people approached me asking to use the ICE name since it held so much value in SWAT. Many people were disappointed when I decided to merge back with AOD, but it's only something very few would understand and it was mainly between me and Smoke.But overall, all relationships eventually get restored. Me and Liv are closer than we have ever been. I re-created his website, chatted on the phone with him a few times. Same with Smoke too... I guess when you put the game aside and personal relationships in account, you then understand the friendships are more important than game BS.I'm sure I'll add a bit more when Smoke posts again....Unfortunately, many don't me here, so when I tell stories, I tend to be as long-winded as Smoke too!!

    Well as I said 1st place on SL was now well out of reach for AOD and I had begun to snap out of its Ladder mode and more into playing and having a good time, that by all means didnt mean we didnt Play other clans in matches but the ferver of playing them constantly had died, but as ICE clan and BH battled it out they both came to AOD for more and more matchs. This was for 2 reason's 1 AOD was well known as a honor clan so it was a good bet when playing our members that we didnt cheat, and 2 AOD was so far behind that even if they did loose or have a bad day against us it didnt matter as we were no longer a threat being so far behind.Well in Starlance or SL they had somthing called a SL admin. SL admins where swat3 players that activly judged, monitered, and mediated SL matches. There jobs where to basically enforce SL rules and judge on disputes in games nuetral host for games ect.... Like I had stated before BH had 1 of these so called fair admin in there clan. SL worst mistake i think to this date was letting people who openly admitted they where in a clan and played SL into becoming admins for it in game. AOD Cowboy became one of these admins. Now at this point ICE had gotten one admin as well in a player by the name of satgod. So t his point all 3 clans had 1 admin in SL. Which gave AOD alot of leverage because like I said we where already out of it....However theres one little thing I forgot to mention. If a clan was caught cheating in any way There was a serious reduction in points by Starlance on the clan, so much in fact that If such a thing was proven on ICE or BH AOD would ounce again be back in the hunt. LOL needless to say Cowboy was a paranoid freak as a admin.... Constantly telling me of ways he planned on getting proof on this player and that player. Well The SL admins apperantly in swat 3 wernt getting the same respect of the big wigs at starlance that other more popular games where like counter strike and alot of the truly nuetral guys quit..which truly didnt matter because u never saw them on anyway HA! With these openings and the fact that Satgod and cowboy both stayed when the others left...Oh bty this satgod that was the SL admin in the ICE clan was one of the other Coleaders in rabids and white wolfs clan that merged with AOD. however satgod decided to go with ICE clan instead of AOD. But because rabid was his freind and ex ldr with him he voted for rabid to be a SL admin...and of course cowboy voted for rabid as well. Now picture this AOD essentially controlled SL at this time. We now had 2 SL admins in our clan and only 1 in ICE and 1 in BH. AOD was now essentially in control of Starlance in a completely different aspect. Which I fond rather appropiate considering we are a honor clan. Now I can say that the fact that I was VERY close to both cowboy and rabid and being the ....well lets just say politically savy guy that Iam i was privy to information on people and clans that I had no right to, and of course old smoke was behind almost all the scenes at that time when it came to SL.(I even sat in on several of there meetings admins only HA! I was the unseen Admin in alot of cases...although neither Rabid nor cowboy where robots mind you..they did things that where rather contrary to AOD intrests in SL ruling against AOD more times than not..(basterds HA!) but in that way there credibility as very high and people came to them both to the point of almost lunacy as they coudnt even be online for more than seconds without being spammed. In hindsight I realize that I probably could have pushed some buttons on a few things that i shoudnt have known about and maybe gotten some results that could have benefitted AOD's ranking in SL but thats contrary to our code and Iam glad that I didnt.Of course as SL neared the end and things heated up things like double points weekends ect.....which rabid was resposible for with some encouraging words from old smoke of course started to happen I remember the last one held...where for 3 days straight the AOD room was filled Iam talking 24 hours a day at one point on Friday and saterday The AOD room had more people playing in it than the Eastcoast room and west coast room combined!!! you swat3 players really know how significant that is.Soon after that weekend again the SL admins complained of there treatment by the Starlance league or lack of respect rather, and Sl admin began to dissappear. ICE had gottan a commanding lead by this point. so commanding that Clans started gearing up for the next cycle conceding the win to ICE. Every clan but BH however and somhow they scored a excessive mount of points in a matter of days so many points in fact that it actually promted myself and rock to sit down and talk. Now ill add by this time thing had settled down between us and rock had made several statements of how hard it was in running a clan and how much respect he had for me in rnning AOD, and also that ICE would be disbanding after the SL cycle was over as he just didnt have the time to run a clan anymore.Well as rock and I talked rock finally tld me what he had been neating around the bush about for the last few weeks. He wanted to be done with ICE he wanted a championship for ICE and then he anted to go out with the clan he had come in with. Knowing mario aka rockbottum at all you would know this was his way of making a final peace.But we still had BH to deal with of course in my mind ICE was EX AOD and Id be damned if Id let somone cheat AOD or ExAOD out of what they earned u see to me when u join AOD even when u leave your still AOD 4 LIFE ] so we decidied to set up matches for ICE and AOD I isued a decree that No AOD would play BH members in BH and they where froze out...Rock and I also worked on the return of ICE back into AOD (after SL). well a few days later SL abruptly ended with ICE as the champions (see rocks previous posts ED) and rock was true to his word and the next day the merger of ICE and AOD was announced. Of course with the whole dang clan community was in shock and to this day I dont think any 1 merger has shocken up that game the way ICE and AOD did.It was around this time That I picked up a member that was a good SL player from a allied clan of our by the name of sabrina..aka Shedevil. She was in a clan called ego but due to the fct she wasnt getting along with a few of there members she came to the clan she felt most comfotable with and that was of course AOD. Shedevil rose almost as fast as rock did in swat3. She was a awesome recruiter of players for AOD. I mean I dont know if its because she was a older women and she was rcting horny teenagers or what it was but she had a gift for getting good pople to join our clan.Soon after shedevil had made sgt she came to me begging me to play a game she had just recently gotten called Redfaction. I of course was a swat3 man and old here sure maybe one day. Well she swore upp and down that this game was the next swat3. She finally asked me if we could start a division in AOD 4 redfaction. I told her no beleive it or not...and I told her no the other 10 times she asked me that week. HA! little did I know the day I finally gave into her would be the day AOD would change FOREVER!!!!

    Exert From She Devil:
    Hello I am She_Devil...well it was awhile ago when I was in AOD but during that time I brought Red Faction into the clan. I thought it would be a great game for AOD. I had great rcts and people whom helped me get it running. I had asked Liquid many times if I could bring it in and he said no no no..heheh...everytime I asked...I kept at him til he said ok..reluctantly might I add.

    Exert from Easykill:
    RF came out late August last lear (seems so long ago). I picked it up 1st week of September. Most of us played on one server. As mentioned above. Farslayers Nightmare. I had been playing on there from very early on. His server had low pings for everyone, australians, euros, americans, it was the only server being fed by 4 t1's. He had every custom map in his rotation, plus he provided a download page for his mappacks. One week I started seeing alot of the regulars showing up with AOD tags on thier names. She-Devil, WhiteWolf, Lil WhiteWolf, Predator, and Farslayer all seemed to have become AOD overnight, although it was probably a few days.

    Exert from She devil:
    So, when I got the ok..I was in a BIG hurry to get it started..hehehe.. So, I sat down trying to figure out how to go about it. Was not as easy as I expected it to be.I almost gave up on several occasions. but our well known friend and teammate RabidWolf gave me the courage to keep me ideas on how to get it accomplished.Well, I then started rct'n people..not sure who or how to do this..So, I rct'd people with good personalities and team quality..(good players also). I actually had most of my rct'd members still when I left AOD...rarely had to boot anyone from AOD nor did many of them leave on thier own. Alot of them are still with us today. As RF grew and became a respected clan in RF I was feeling pretty proud of my accomplishments and my team.I went to a server one was a very nice server with good people and I started playing there (at this time we did not have a server) I met the owner of the server became good friends with him...eventually talking him into joining AOD and donating his server to our RF division. His Name was Farslayer..OMG I was shocked and so happy we now had our own server..(Thank You Farslayer)

    Exert from easykill:
    So I asked Far, "how do I join?" "You have to try out ask Predator"So I talked to Predator he says I dont need to try out (because we played together for so long). This was around november last year or so. He talked to Spike, Spike Ok'd it and soon I was a member. We quickly gobbled up some of the best players in the game. (Noz)Melchaia(sp?), Diehard, Kid-Romeo, JetbikeExtreme, Bwoogie, LongBow, Hunter, Propeck, Demon, Striker 1, Jekel/Prime/Vengence, T, SmokingBarrel, Stosh, Me Again, Burgy, Sk8r, Beer (crazy guy), Vendetta, Oxigen, Scruffy G, Fox, Killer Cow, Darksoul, #####cat (briefly), Padishar, Zoes Defender and many, many others.

    Exert from She devil:
    Farslayer also became a high ranking officer and helped me to keep our RF division running..had alot of suggestions and helped our members in other ways as well.well I then became admin on the server which gave me some authority on how it was run. I tried my best to be fair to everyone and make it respectable. Safe for people of all ages to play on. Some people loved how I ran it while others thought I was a Biatch. I guess I did have my moments to be honest.. Well, lets go on with the story..we eventually had alot of clans wanting to be our allies. People were asking left and right to join..I had to limit how many I rct'd but would have liked to rct almost all of them..hehehe..RF was a huge division and I ran out of room for new rcts..:-(

    Exert from easykill:
    One event that I dont know alot about (hopefully it will jog memories) was the loss of Noz. If I remember right he got into an accident. He was badly injured. If I still remember right, it turned out to be a joke (please correct me if Im wrong). But from this was born a clan called DNR or Do not Resuscitate. Thier Leader was DNR Rot. For some reason he despized us. Most of it, I believe, was due to the problems with Noz. He slandered us on our forums and was sorta an all around pain in the butt. He really had it in for She-Devil. Finally Farslayer, She-Devil, Rot, and I think Lividum finally had a talk and after that he was cool. But some stuff had erupted over into the volition forums (the main RF support forums) and several people over there decided to do a VBB vs. AOD battle. The leader of this was a guy named Fox Hound (who is a big ###). So a date was set and AOD put together thier best to play against the best of the VBB. AOD came in fully prepared, but the VBB didnt. Fox Hound only managed to round up 1/2 a team which consisted of Rot (under alias). Anyways AOD smoked em and we were not bothered by them anymore. At this time AOD was one of the best clans in Red Faction with the only clan close to our talent being NERV. NERV website is here:

    Exert From She Devil:
    Then the day came RF was getting old..people slowed down playing games were coming out and alot of people moved on...I also moved on to be solo due to family issues I was having.That was a sad day for me. Let me list some of the people who were in Red Faction with me...first we will start off with RabidWolf.. He was a great teammate and also great friend. There was Predator and Farslayer. Predator eventually became one of the leaders in RF and Farslayer..dear Farslayer.. Wonderful man... I rct'd so many people I am not sure I will remember who they were or what role they played exactly so please forgive me if I forget.SytemShock was one of my earlier rcts and became a big part of RF.

    Exert from easykill:
    Rockbottom and Predator became the RF division leaders. We started to get back on track. We won a few matches on Gleagues. Then we had the best matchI ever played in any game against NERV. We went back and forth and it was very close. It was best out of 5 and we played all 5 if I remember right, with NERV barely coming out on top. They eventually went on to take 1st place and then dropped out of RF. By this time we had lost some our better players to other clans. Jetbike went to DNR (his website is here: ), many left RF completely, Striker 1 started to play MOHAA with a clan from his home state of Hawaii. Predator went on LOA (he still is). RockBottom had a LOA (which he recently came back from) and Diehard took over the RF division. We were still one of the best clans, but we just couldnt get it together to do more than put up an awesome fight. We were always missing a player for matches and we never really put on the show that we could before. It slowly got down to a small group of us core players playing. Then The VBB closed up. Cheating in RF had become so rampant that every one was pissed. The game could be easily hacked to give players unlimited health, ammo, rapid fire, anything you wanted. The VBB was being hammered daily with petitions (of course we started a few) for a patch, petitions against petitions, etc. etc. So they just shut down the forums. At that time Farslayer (who was one of the most known and respected people in RF) called it quits and made the last day of the VBB the last day of his server. After that nothing was left. Many other servers went down at the same time. We were left with out a place to play. RF has been on life support ever since. There is a user made patch that fixes most of the cheating, but no one plays it. All I can say is that AOD members never used any hacks or trainers (I have suspected some that are no longer with us), we were never accused of it, and we always played fair and with honor.I have a few screenshots of clan matches and general game pics here: the 1 on 1 ladder I obtained the best rank of all AOD members getting up to 5th place. The few ahead of me were the best in RF including DNR Rot, +Jok3r+, MMC F01, and +Razorsedge+ My final match was for the #2 or 3 spot against Rot. He won, then quit the 1 on 1. I got to 4th by default, but I quit the next day.DNR can now be found here: is here: Exert From Ex AOD member hunter X:I found 340 of my long lost RF ss's, but only 43 of them work atm.VBB Peeps Challenging AODAOD Stomping Grounds - Cygnus PrimeAOD Stomping Grounds - UltraGlassHouseAOD Stomping Grounds - Red RouletteAOD Stomping Grounds - Cygnus PrimeAOD Stomping Grounds - Red RouletteAOD Stomping Grounds - Cygnus PrimeAnd afaik, the RF playing AOD peeps were:She~Devil, SystemShock, Jetbike, T, Farslayer, Zoe'sDefender, Longbow, me_again, C Killer, Smokinbarrel, DieHard, Mass Hack, OxiGen, Aim2Shame, Scruffy G, Padishar, Despyz, Fallout, Kid-Romeo, Striker 1, Fox, Hunter, BWoogie, DarkSoul, Predator, Killer Cow, Stosh, Burgy, Kizmiaz/Vendetta ?, Beer, Prime/Vengence/Jekel, Tampon/ABT, Easykill, Fenevian, Whitewolf, Rabidwolf, ANoiD, Demon, Mutilator, Sirrus, Blackwidow, Propeck, Rock, Lividum, Sk8er, Bluntz, Nirv, Emilio, Spike, Elite Ranger, Meliah NOZ

    Exert from Ex AOD member farslayer:
    Nice history.. : )Just dropped in to say hey to those of you that may remember me. I figure I'll go ahead and throw in my 2cents as wellso I'm reading one of the many magazines I subscribe to and i see this advertisement for Red Faction. didn't really pay too much attention to the story line since I don't buy games for the single player aspect. This Red Faction game looks like Quake or Unreal Tournament, but the weapons can actualy DAMAGE the TERRAIN !! wow it's about time Im so tired of rockets and nukes that do nothing more than put a black smudge on a wall or glass window. I cruise on down to the store and pick up a copy of RF and install it on my computer at home. spent a week or 2 going through the single player game so I can warm up and not get my ### kicked like a newbie when i go online. so with that I ventured out into the online world of RF. I tried out a couple servers online, located the community forums hosted by Volition and got right down to trying to help people that were having troubles with the game. I know I met a few of you on those forums before we ever became clan mates. well playing on a server online is cool and all, but I had access to this great internet connection 6 MB up AND down !! yep 4 T1's all linked together what a great connection that would make for hosting I thought. so I got down to setting up a server to play my latest "favorite game" I started working out how to configure the firewall to host the game, how to remote control the server and gain console access from home while playing, and most importantly how to add custom maps.... once the server was up and running I didn'tr really have a need ot go anywhere else online to play my connection was great the ping was low for me, and apparetly it was pretty good for a lot of other people as well. it didn't take much time for people to start joining the server to keep it quite busy. now that I have players the next goal was to keep it fun and interesting, which is where all the custom maps came in, I started collecting all the custom maps I could find, and installing them on the server. I met a few people in the server throughout the early days of hosting, Gilvo being one of the most memorable. Gilvo spent a lot of time locating the most difficult to find maps on the net and pointing me to them so we could try them out, with Gilvo's assistance, and the assistance of se4veral other people the flow of new maps didn't stop. the idea for map packs to distribute several maps to people at once and ease the download and install of them came up so I put up a website for the map packs to be downloaded from. I met so many cool people on the server I'd be hard pressed to try and name them all, or even half for that matter. I drew traffic from the VBB (Volition Bulliten Boards ) to the game server, and sent people from the game server to the VBB ,and the map pack this time Farslayers Nightmare had gathered quite a few regulars and had become a community of it's own in the RF world. there were a lot of players coming through, members of several different clans, and I had somehow become very popular in the community (it helps to have your own server, it's the real life equivalent of becoming popular with women by driving a lambourghini) there were several offers for clan membership, and there was one group that was trying to talk me into starting my own clan with players from the server, while this was an interesting idea, I had been in clans before and knew I was not interested in being in a leadership position, so I declined but encouraged them to go ahead and start one on their own. I was just interested in playing the game. about this time quite a few players from AOD were showing up in the server as well. persistance pays off AOD She_Devil and AOD_Predator kept coming back and refused to take no as an answer. AOD Predator always gave me a run for my money when he was in the server I swear he had attached a tracking beacon to my ### so he could pop up out of nowhere and blow me away at will just to irritate me. I finally relented to all the badgering (j/k She_Devil ) and accepted AOD She-Devils invitation to join AOD and decided to bring the server along as well. Farslayers Nightmare officially became the original AOD Stomping Grounds server. I know that after I decided to leave clan life there were other servers called the AOD stomping grounds that werre hosted by other AOD members, and may even be one still around today... Well now that I was Rct_AOD_Farslayer my life with AOD had finally begun, this was not my fist clan affiliation so I had an idea of what to expect. AOD started growing pretty rapidly in RF by this point. there were several mambers from AOD that had made the transition from some other game called SWAT (I had to ask what the hell is swat? when I first joined.. how wsa I supposed to know ? ) as well as the other new recruits for the RF division. Life was pretty good at ths point, I had a regular group of people to play with and chat with and the ability to actually start applying strategy to the maps when playing CTF. the biggest problem we ran into when scheduling matches was the inability of other teams to field 8 players, or even 6.. while we regularly had 10-12 players showing up for pre-match chats. The other problem we faced was that we spent most of our time playing the new maps while most of the other teams played only the stock maps (how boring is that ?) all in all I think AOD had a great run in RF, I somehow moved to the top of the ranks in AOD's RF division and made a few friends along the way My RF carreer ended suddenly saddening the hearts of many players (at least that's what they told me) when I decided to finally put the server to rest to coincide with the termination of support from the game publisher, and the closing of the community forums by Volition. I withdrew from Clan life and returned to solo gaming, moving on to a couple other gmaes along the way. the Server has been converted from Windows to Linux, and a new web site created. the RF Map packs were removed, but from the looks of the referal sites they are still in demand with most of the traffic coming to my site from RF related web sites and serch engine hits for RF maps. I believe theres a few people out there that are still hosting those original map packs somewhere... I briefly hosted JK2 and then UT2K3 on my server after their release, but have not found much time to play any online games lately. with the weather turning cold again, I may find myself online a bit more often, when Im not stuck working late. well that was my overly long and windy version of my brief stint in RF and AOD. It was great while it lasted and I hope to see you all in the future. Keep in touch.Thanks Hunter for letting me know this thread was here.Far out....

    Ok lol like i said this one was going to be big! As I recall this RF started and right around Oct of last year is when I went on my LOA (moving over seas ED) and It was then that Cmd Sgt Rabid wolf Took over AOD while I was in the moving process. At the time I was niave enough to beleive I would be back online within a month HA little did i know. Right before I left SgtMaj Lividum and myself had a very long talk and Lividum wanted to return well of course I was estatic but I had been training Rabidwolf for months to take my spot and with most of AOD feeling comfortable with was agreed between myself and Lividum that he ould just help rabid out and move back in slowly.During my absense obviously alot went down in Red Faction Obviously and I thought all in all ALL my Sgts did a exceptional job of keeping AOD the awesome clan that it is...especially Rabid!!!! Iam going to End it here Please noone post beyond this as I dont want to spoil future story posts. I was however very present for farslayer leaving the way he left the reasons behing she devils along with Other nice tidbits including AOD once again splitting into 2 clans!!!! ahhh got your attention I see

    Exert from Rabidwolf:
    Hey AOD for those of you who don?t know me I am CmdSgt RaBiDWoLF and this is the part of our history that has a bit of a twist. You see. Many of you know me by my Current name and rank. CmdSgt RaBiDWoLF. But at this point in AOD?s history I had changed my name to CmdSgt ZoMBiE. Those of you who were around will remember. Initially, AOD had no CmdSgt, this was added in order for AOD to have a next higher rank that could run AOD, I didn?t want to wear the SgtMaj tags, at this point; I didn?t feel I deserved it or earned it. So Smoke added CmdSgt. At this time Smoke is getting ready, at home, for what was supposed to be a short LOA while he was transferred to Sicily, Italy for his remaining 3 yrs in the Navy. Smoke was supposed to be off line for approx 3 weeks, or so we thought, it turned in to almost 4 months. So prior to Smoke leaving he has asked me if I would run AOD in his absence since at about this time, AOD_MSGT_Cowboy was on LOA or MIA can?t remember which, as was SgtMaj Lividum. Smoke who was stationed in Maryland at the time, drove all the way up to Philadelphia so that we could meet each other prior to him leaving, and so he could drop off his cats that I was gonna to keep, but that?s another story.The clan was getting pretty big at this time. We were in about 4 games or so and looking for some new ones to move into, Red Faction, Swat 3, WWII Online- Blitzkrieg, and Ghost Recon, with some members in Command and Conquer: Renegade. The members kept flowing in left and right, it appeared that AOD was taking over the Gaming World, in each game, that it was necessary back then to make some rank structure changes. I had now made it that each game was run by a CmdSgt with a full staff of Sgts below them, we had more than enough, and ?Indians back then to have the amount of Sgts. I had CmdSgt WhiteWolf, CmdSgt She ~Devil, CmdSgt RocKBoTToM to help me run the clan with a full set of Sgts ranging from MSgts ? Sgt, In each game. I have to say it is not an easy task running AOD or any clan for that matter. You see me and WhiteWolf ran RWF that originally merged with AOD, so we knew what it took to run a clan. There wasn?t anytime that I was online that I wasn?t being im?d or emailed or something. I had literally no time to play, at this point I was thinking what the hell did I get myself into, and when is smoke coming back, these were my thoughts as I would never have let anyone at the time know I was having trouble or doubts. I envied smoke at this point for what he did everyday. Smoke would call me and keep me up-to-date with what was going on. What was supposed to be 3 -4 weeks, turned into approximately 3 ? - 4 months. Towards the return of Smoke to AOD, I had to remind ALL The Sgts to advise and remind their Rcts who SgtMaj Liquid Smoke was, there were many Rcts and other ranks that thought I ran AOD on a regular basis, only the Sgts knew the truth, LOL. The daily reminders to the Rcts began to be a daily and weekly thing, because the time was nearing that Smoke was gonna return to active duty and take his rightful spot up top. But before this occurred, I had some Sgts that stepped up to the challenge to help me run this large clan and keep things running smoothly on a daily basis. SgtMaj Lividum made his return to active duty about and helped me a lot in the months of Smokes absence, as did CMDSgt RockBoTToM, CMDSgt WhiteWolf, and CMDSgt She~Devil. They all played a very important part in this era of AOD?s history and helped run things smoothly on a daily basis. Now, its bout time that Smoke makes his waited return to the daily ops of AOD. Smoke returns, I introduce him to many of his new members, Rcts and Sgts that rose up in the few months and the newbie?s that joined this elite clan. We had a great welcome home party????????.. Then disaster hits???.Me and WhiteWolf decide to leave AOD to reform RWF again to finish something we started and wanted to finish?.. ALONE, But Unfortunately disaster hit and a war was started. But I will let Smoke tell that story???????.

    Well to pick this back up from rabids post I had finally gotten online and settled in here in sicily late about this time last year.... I was introduced to farslayer and predator by shedevil and rabid had introduced me to a few guys in ghost recon like undertow......I think truly the beggining of the end in RF was in my opinion the use of the server. It seemed shedevil a admin of the server and also division CO was informing other clans not to recruit on the AOD server. Well farslayer immediatly became furious at this and said this was unacceptable. They both came to me for reason and I of course took the side of shedevil......(in my opinion people are your only resource in a game..u constantly battle other clans for good members, one of the few ways you gain a advantage in this is by having your own server. By letting other clans recruit on your server voids any advantage u may have.) Of course farslayer was extremly disgusted at this..thinking us being selfish....He soon quit AOD and his server went back to farslayers nightmare before he switched games.(I will add however this is a AOD rule now that no other clan rcts on our servers), anyway..... Like rabid said I had asked him to remind the guys of my return and like most of u know 3/4 months away is like eternity in the life of a clan. So I deffinatly felt like over half the clan didnt even know who i was when I returned....and I felt I needed to assert my self very early and make sure people understood what was transpiring.(in regards to be taking things back over ed).As rabid was all but burnt out when I returned he quickly dissappeared into the shadows...telling me time and time again, how he had no idea how I had done this for so long..... . Well I guess it was a few weeks back for me when I logged on as I normally do to find out some drastic changes had happened over they always seem to do when I log off for the night.Apperently Rabid (as was told to me by him) and whitewolf where craving the life that could have been with there old clan. So they set themselves to start RWF......and with that alot of AOD being loyal to there sgts left with them. I will submit to you all that If you could ever imagine how angered I was at rock bottum, I can honestly say I was twice as mad with rabid and whitewolf.....from there perspective they just wanted to start anew and finish somthing they started.....and in the process they took alot of AOD with them. From my perspective without any warning they had taken close to half of AOD and litteraly crippled AOD more than rockbottum ever had.....they took with them alot of sgts not just players this time.....alot of quick promotion where given out that day to fill the vacant spots left by the forming of RWF........(as Sirrus mentioned prior ed)......I will say this I never cease to amaze myself..somehow I managed to minimize the damage which at the time was very exstensive......We had lost a entire division in ghost rcon and alot of redfaction players......along with a swat3 co....In rabids and whitewolfs defense I dont think they intentionally tried to hurt AOD but things very rarly work out like we plan...The feeling of betryal I had was over whelming....I had trusted rabid so much in giving him control of AOD..I had even made visits to the homes of both rabid and whitewolf before I left for overseas...just to touch base with them about my leaving.There would be no allying ourselves nor would there be any friendly chit chat. I had told rabid and whitewolf soon after this happened that I wasnt mad at there leaving but at there suddeness at doing so allowing me no time to prepare, thus causing major havok in the AOD command structure. I commenced to block evey member of RWF from my aim refusing to even speak to them. I was so mad at that point I didnt even trust myself to talk to anyone of these guys...I knew nothing good would come of it...

    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  2. #2
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    a SgtMaj's tale continued....

    It was very much a stressfull time of scrambling around getting sgt positions filled, which is when acidman from swat3 became a command sgt in this clan. He was one of the only high level sgts in swat3 that didnt go over with rabid to rwf, and those that know me...know that I will always reward AOD loyalty especialy in times like that.

    It was very cut and dry at this point if you were rwf you were off limits and banned from the forum. This wasnt even debatable, and while l8er on down the road I lifted that, the ban lasted a long time. It was also around this point that SgtMaj Lividium and spike apprached me about a new game called Metal of honor allied assault. We had basically lost our entire ghost recon division and we needed a replacement so Lividium and spike started the mohaa division. Now at this point I was pretty much gameless. I wasnt a swat3 player anymore and had never done the redfaction thing. I had metal of honor but wasnt impressed with it, also having 2 sgtmaj's in one game spelled trouble so I tried to stay away from mohaa and let Liv do his thing. I basicaly just ran the giuld at this point day to day stuff same as I do now, but I was itching to get back to doing what I feel I do best and thats leading AOD on a battle field, heck any battle field. Several months had gone by and iam not sure who it was that appraoched me about wanting to start a jk2 division.....hmmmm

    this is a good spot to stop for now thi was just a teaser.
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  3. #3
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    a SgtMaj's Tale Continued........

    In starting Jk2 I was Instantly hooked...didnt even bother to try the single player lol. It was slow going in not having a server. We used several severs as ours to meet and play and alot of people would pop in now and then. Its was within these first few months that I happened upon 2 of my most favorite rcts of all time. Schizo and Joker. Yes thats right these 2 sgts were some of my first rcts in jk2. Schizo not mine specifically but within days of his rctment he was under old smokes wing. And well Joker was actually introduced to me by another old english member by the name of dave yeah he didnt last long but for some reason joker did lol :)

    We began picking up rcts here and there and it was around this time that Lividium moved to Lasvegas and took a Extended LOA from AOD during his move. Which meant spike was running Mohaa as best he could I beleive. Mohaa back then was set up alot like it is now however on a much smaller scale.

    I then had a brainstorm in helping in rcting in jk2, and AOD. Barring any CO's disaproval I called for a rcting weekend were any and all AOD could rct for a set of days. At the end of those days there would be a rounding up by cpls to induct the new rcts and allow for promotions for those that rcted so many people. Ha Ha Ha well lets just say the Mohaa players were very pissed that I would allow this in our giuld. I dont remember there specific reasoning behind it however it caused so much drama that I let the entire division of mohaa go.....barring spike and 2 others Andy (Scary) and Zak .... LoL for some reason I remember there RL names.

    Hence when I say I have killed entire divisions before lol ......Well with that I felt obligated to start helping out Mohaa rebiuld.....Ill end it here for all those Jk2 monkey's who remember and Like to add to this seeing as my memory isnt what it used to be any stories you would like to add please PM them to me and Ill be sure to add them no matter who it is :) As u can see from the history up top If u were in AOD during the time and have pertinent info to the history Ill allow the post

    lol see ya soon
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  4. #4
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    I beleive when this happened 3 members from mohaa survived. Yes 3 lol 4 I guess including myself. The other 2 where Undertow and Scary lol. Both off whom are still in AOD to this day just on extended LOA's (Ha). The rebuilding process began quite rapidly, I handed over Jk2 to then newley appointed AOD_Sgt_Systemshock to take over the jk2 division. It was during this time that some off our favorite forum trollers to this day were rcted in jk2 like Loaki,scubasteve,cruelangel, our very own Velrankoon and of course wolfie lol. In mohaa as we began rebuilding this division we recruited such names as auddie murphy, kromancer, and several others that are still here today.

    Now That we are getting into more recent times where current members who can recollect a tad bit better than me need to send me PM's to update and show a more complete side. Now as Mohaa was building RWF began to flounder. Alot off the active guys that were once AOD became very Inactive in much so that RWF finally was limited to just one game. Rabid and white wolf had gotten into a new racing game that had just come out called nascar2002 :P. Apperently RWF had one saving grace in that they were very successfull in this game, but even rabid will tell u theres no place like home :) A workable arrangement was met by rabid white and myself and AOD pack racing was born !

    Also during this time I was apprached by a current AOD that had his own guild in Soilder of fortune which had just come out. This gentlemen had his own server and website and brought several members with him. I incorporated this guild (which I cant remember the name of) Into AOD and thereby creating 2 new divisions in AOD. Nascar and soilder of fortune were born.
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  5. #5
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
    Sergeant Major
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Yes I know I know its been awhile but as they say "ON WITH THE SHOW" again Ill ask that anyone with pertenent Info on the story side of AOD not "your" life story please send a PM to me to be added in later. Now Is when I get to Intriduce people Like Bwoogie and Oyadude who where one of many rcts that came out of the Soldier of fortune division. Both of which soone moved to Mohaa as SOF was soon removed as a division and the indiviual who had started the division was removed form the Guild for being to power hungry and we basically cut our losses and moved on. It is also around this time that RWF folded and all the old members of AOD came home to start our own legacy in Nascar.

    The Mohha Division at this time grew very quickly and AOD started to get alot of attention. We started practicing running our first ever Squad events where Sgts took there rcts and we had a no holds bar AOD vs AOD for the Sgts and there bragging rights. We also started ladders at this point and to be honest it was some of the most fun Ive ever had in a shooting game. Some of the members rcted during this time where Nails, butpuppet, Jomamma, Unit 81, Godhands, Uxmal, SyNtHeTiC, Sniper, Bloodshot, Rough Soldier, Criminal just to name a few who people might recognize. With 2 new Sgts stepping up in Swat3 Digital Frostbyte and everyones favorute Aussie totalwar and Planet side on the horizon things where running very smooth and as everyone knows it is always calm before the storm. It was also during this time that one of our Guilds Greatest Upheavels in our history and by far my most challenging time as a leader of AOD happened. ha ha ha

    to be continued.
    Last edited by AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke; 10-07-2010 at 11:11 AM.
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  6. #6
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Ok ok ok time to make the donuts as they..Ive been putting this off for awhile and I guess its time I got on with it. I cant delay forever. As i said Mohaa was booming and do I mean booming, we not only had a thriving division we had a dominating one. I still remember the fun we had with the AOD versus all and the Omega squads..and the smurfing. It is during this time that I personelly was tested in leadership and in life. Little did i know my gaming views would forever be changed.

    Now Mohha at this time was a little different than most divisions we have had up until now in that we had most of our core guys over the age of 21 and therfore had alot in common and got along tremendously. So much so that I considered a great many of them true friends...Not online friends...but true friends. Before I go any further I will remind everyone that these are events through My eyes and while i try to keep a even keel there are some events that even I get emotional over.

    Now i will draw everyones attention to a few of the names i mentioned in my previous post, that of Nails and buttpuppet. I considered them both friends and where really good to the guild. Between them they funded several different servers for Mohha and donated generously to Vent. Unfortunatly this is also went Cheating was absolutly rampent in Mohaa, and as with most games the hackers (as there called) where always 2 steps ahead of any anti hacking programs. Now there was a certain hack called chameleon skins that was out in mohaa at the time that was undetectable by any anti cheat programs that allowed users to see there oponnents through walls and therfore allow them to ambush and crush people uterly. Now of course you could physically notice somones vast improvement but there was no sure fire way to say Hey we know your cheating! Then one of the sgts in the division a one Mr Scary game up with the idea of certain Sgts downloading this hack themselves and then going into view mode so u could watch people play thus seeing what a hacker would see and allowing u to tell if in fact they where seeing things they shoudnt be. He also came up with the idea if then recording and making a video of said hackers, allowing not just the admin but all of the Sgts to see for themselves and make the call.

    Now enter butpuppet, he in recent weeks had become just a beast in the game and became suspisious to he made a point to follow and record his play. And of course as you all guessed it he was in fact cheating. I was approached by scary and all the sgts where premitted to view the video. I immediatly kicked the guy as it was obvious to me. Unfortunatly this really didnt sit well with some of the other Sgt's. Literally the Sgts and Cpls split right down the line in whether or not he was in fact cheating. It was a damned if i do damed if I dont type situation. After consistant pressure from a few Sgts including Sgt cowboy who i considered a friend and alot of soul searching i decided to talk to puppet and he stated it was his son playing and not actually himself. Now i wont lie to anyone here the desision to let him back in was based more on the fact that the division really needed the servers he was supplying and like i said i liked the guy. I knew better, my head said to keep him out and deal as we always do but he was a friend and as I always say i beleive in second chances. I know i know alot of excuses bottum line i made a mistake should of stuck with my guns but i didnt and in the end it costed me and the guild dearly.

    Now as Ive said the Sgts where divided and while one half was estatic to seem buttpuppet back the other half was thourouly discusted, some of these u may remeber as eviljoker MrScary Auddie murphy, and they decided they didnt want to be part of a division that aloowed cheaters back in so they left and asked permission to start a new game called Vietnam, and left the division. While this was going on apperently as soon as I let him back in the guild buttpuppet and nails got the idea of AOD having to much politics and that I was in fact a Dictator and that they should start a guild with many ldrs where all have a say and they called this guild NAA which sttod for no assholes aloowed. (wonder who that was aimed at ) ? Now specifically one day I logged on the forums and I started seeing a bunch of resignations of people that stated they where leaving..not for any guild just that they where leaving....I immediatly started replying on the forums and after some back and forth with people who i once thought friends i found out they where all leaving for a guild Nails and buttpuppet had started.

    I was then told that it was a spontaneous thing and that they wernt actually trying to take members, however I was informed by Auddie Murphy that they were pretty smart about how they did things. They created a guild charter with certain members names on it as ldr this and that showing positions of authority these people who be getting if they joined there guild. Now like i said supposedly they didnt rct anyone but AOD_CmdSgt_Murphy screwed up there perfect plan, when they approached him like they had did so many others he actually did somthing none of my other so called friends did he said NO. He was AOD for life and he thanked them for the offer and moved on. So much for not rcting members.....but iam not a fool i knew due to only members abive a certain age where leaving...come to find out there new guild had a age limit.

    Within a day all this came together and I was left with a division of 12 yr olds of which there where quit a few. Now like i stated earlier these where my friends that where doing this...and to say I was crushed would be a understatement. I think i might have turned 3 stages of green that first day as I scrambled to keep mohha alive in AOD. I contacted Digital to take over the CO position for me who was doing a killer job in swat3 and had recently started playing mohaa. I coudnt even play the game after that. I think since that all went down i have personelly played mohha maybe a handfull of times, and its been over half a decade since this went down. This situation made me reflect on what online gaming is and what it isnt. atleast for me.

    I honestly almost quit gaming all together. I was I hate to say the word hurt and betrayed but there it is...and it would be the truth. Funny its just a dam game would pop into my head all the time but ill be damed if it didnt feel like just a game. So in this I knew I could never again have any real frinds quote unquote in game. I have never let anyone get nearly as close nor do i now go out of my way to get to know people in any other way than being friendly. I know people will say that not everyone is the same and that dont let a few eggs spoil the bunch but , if you do this as long as I have u become jadded as those u call friends leave and go to diff guilds. And it is here that Iam going to stop. I actually feel my face getting flush and pissed off just remembering asll this. I know I left out alot and id love for those there during this time to get back at me with your info and point of view...thanx Smoke

    Exert from Uxmal:

    I have a few corrections to your story first, very tiny corrections. They went to start Vietcong and our squad in moh:aa was called alpha squad. You were Alpha 1, Blaze alpha 2 and I was alpha 5. Cant remember who had alpha 3 and 4 but I sure remember it was the most fun I have ever had with moh:aa. Anywho on to my part of the story.

    As smoke said it was by far the most tight nit division I have been part of in AOD. All above 18 and the average age was about 24. Servers were full all the time and at times it would be full of only AOD?ers. Amazing times! Anywho I joined AOD about 6 months before the division was split into a lot of clans. In the months up until the split everything was good and everyone happy, but there was one issue that had a negative effect on a lot of people. A kid called Solidsnake joined and was also caught hacking. He was given a second chance by smoke but screwed up quite quick. He was given a few more chances if I remember correctly and that annoyed me that?s for sure. I think it also annoyed some of the others but we didn?t let it ruin the fun times we had. About a month before the split the incident with buttpuppet happened and the Vietcong division got started and that left the moh:aa division with some huge leadership gaps as we lost 2 very good sgts in Evil Joker and Schizo and PSgt Auddie Murphy. PSgt was a rank that was temporarily added and it meant you weren?t a full Sgt yet, but had to get a certain amount of recruits and something else I cant remember. To fill up the open Sgt spots smoke instated Stud, Godshands, Executioner and Ruff Soulja, the last one a lot of us know quite well. This created some problems because some of the new Sgts jumped from Pvt or Pfc ranks. Jealousy is a nasty thing, but what is worse is when some people get?s too big for their britches. Stud, Gods and Exe did a marvellous job and made the division grow like it always had. Ruff Soulja became a bit of a problem instead. Power in the wrong hands is like a ticking bomb. At this stage Nails were the main admin of the server alongside with Ruff Soulja, well he was until Ruff changed the password and blocked out Nails. This created what I think the split that created the guild NaA that I also joined. Why I joined will follow later. Anyway I was also asked by them to join along side a few others and I didn?t accept it at first. On the 18th of April, my 21st birthday I came home from a night out and I was not in any state to make any decision on anything but I posted my resignation post anyway. I had some issues with Ruff Soulja and I felt I only had the one choice and that was to leave. I never had issues with Smoke, only his decision to promote Ruff to Sgt, but we all make mistakes. The morning of the 19th 9 people had left AOD for NaA and all were Specs and above. That was a big blow to the division but what was even bigger was when 2 or 3 clans were formed by other people. This is where my piece ends but I do have a rather funny finishing comment. NaA fell to pieces because ButtPuppet was hacking and blamed it on his son. Like smoke I lost interest in gaming so I quit for almost a year and was on loa for the duration of NaA and came back just in time to be the first to resign from NaA, like I was the first to resign from AOD.
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  7. #7
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re: AOD History

    Now as I continue on I could no longer run moha. I had a exceptional CO in the swat3 division Digital Frostbyte who was willing to come over and try and right the ship sort of speak. A game called planetside has just been released and I chose to start a planetside division.

    In a matter of months Digital went from one of my most promising sgts in any division to being kicked out never to return. He of course when removed started his own giuld. most who left with Digital retirned pretty quickly. So I concentrated on planetside. We AOD joined as the terran republic. Planetside was kind of the flavor of the month to the gaming world at the time. It was the first first person shooter massive multiplayer game and was very very popular. Guilds in planetside were called outfits and we where ranked at our top as the third best outfit. Which is truly a remarkable accomplishment. We would have joint ops with serveral different outfits and poor poor oyadude was my liason and would have several different voice chats up at once relaying info from command to the outfit and from the outfit to the AOD squads. It was my first time with massive cordination and it was fricken cool as shit !

    I had brought a few players from mohaa with me to planetside and to be honest most of the guys I had were very young but dam if those younger guys didnt shine when we as a guild had our backs against the wall. Especially in the mohaa division or what was left of it. I cant remember who specifically took over mohaa after mr bipolar left but that in a way is a good thing as it shows nothing to dramtic happened and the division stabalized. I do however remember the pride at our young members left in that division that refused to let the division die. I dont think there was a guy over the age of 16 left at this point.

    /sigh Unfortunatly after 6 months of fighting in planetside and little to no updates the game started to become very stale. A game by the name of Star Wars galaxy's was coming out and alot of people turned there attention to starting a guild in this new game. The game was out maybe a week before I found myself buying it and going out with some AOD guys o scout for possible places to put our city.

    I turned over what was left of planetside and I joined the Star Wars Galaxies division not to lead but to just play and have fun. Now for those of you who dont know SWG was a unique mmo in that players could set up there own homes on the game world and guilds could create there own citys. We were part of the rebel alliance and as I said were looking for a place to drop our AOD city. Now also during this time a few of the NAA guys came back to AOD in fact one of these people Blaze was in fact my new CO for SWG. Also during this time we got involved with a internet rdio station and we somehow got 4 of the female DJ's to join us in SWG. Inana, trouble, Denise, and ???? Sorry cant remember the fourth one again if somone can help me here it would be great.

    Now my experience with females in gaming have been very mixed. She-Devil was a older woman who first convinced me that AOD transition into muliple division from swat3 and was my first CO in Red Faction our second game ever. However I did find that we had alot of lonely guys in the guild (cough cough) and sometimes adding a female element into gaming also comes with ugh relationship issues among members. Now for me personaly I found it rather silly how can you call somone you cant physically touch a boyfriend or girlfriend but it is not for me to judge only pickup the pieces. I will say this though although the women we brought in caused all sorts of drama not gaming related they all kicked major azz in game and again I can say they were a major reason we excelled in SWG.

    SWG in it self will be a post unto itself so stay tuned Id like those from this period to PM me so I can add different points of view.
    Last edited by AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke; 10-07-2010 at 11:13 AM.
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.

  8. #8
    All seeing eye

    AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    SWG would be better posted by somone else in the division at the time, needless to say was a geat divison that we where very dominate in until nga or whatever it was called came out and ruined the game. It was also around this time that everquest 2 and world of warcraft where about to hit the scene. During this time period a new Sgtmaj was born in CmdSgt_Stud and many many new faces and games have come along since this time. Its been well over 11 years for me running this clan seen lots of faces come and go lots of awesome people made friends around the world several times over and the greatest part of it all is that if I would die tomorrow I would know AOD would continue and that Ive helped create somthing that is far bigger than myself or any one person and is truly a marvel to me.

    Exert From Rywo

    //I'll try to keep this brief, and more geared to all AOD... not just my own antics. Hopefully, this gives you something to work with. Please add/delete/rearrange as you see the overall story is your. //

    To try and assist with a continuation of our history, I volunteered to help Smoke out by recounting the exploits of the SWG division. I joined in the early days of the Sunrunner server, where luckily AOD had made a home. I apologize in advance for any who read this that I neglect to include. The first home for AOD on the server, was a small island on the world of Corellia. If I remember correctly, members like Ohyadude, Velrahnkoon, Dante, and the orginal CO (Blaze) made a big push to get the guild hall built and establish AOD as a full fledged presence on the server. While that worked out ok, many saw more opportunity for advancement and enjoyment on other planets. For those first few months, the membership was scattered. Folks were constantly off on various planets, doing misc. activities to pass the time. It wasn't until the first big patch, that we were able to make big strides in the game.

    With the release of guild cities in the game, AOD actually had a place to call _home_. With the help of some of our old members (Pokie, Funkie, Zman, and Scubasteve come to mind), I was able to scout out and secure a location for AOD's city (Virtutis Civitas) on Naboo. This worked wonders for us as a guild in-game, as only the first few groups to place, were allowed to have cities. With the membership we had been building, and now our own corner of the world... recruitment took off. I didn't hurt that a good portion of the leadership of that time decided to play the game. Smoke was there of course, along with Spike, Bluntz, then MSgt RuffSoulja, and if I remember correctly Liv made a few appearances also.

    With membership numbers doing well, and the clan established... folks had more time to freely pursue their own activities. For those of you that never played the game... SWG truly was a 'sandbox'. You could basically run around doing whatever you wanted, without direction/interferece from the game itself. A good number of our folks decided to run PvP groups as much as possible, and became some of the best on the server. As Smoke mentioned previously, we had recruited a fair number of women in this division, and they were known server-wide as top PvPers. Denisse, Inana, Trouble, Nala, Nexus, Nell, and Carlee are the ones that come to mind (even 7 years later). Sure there was a good bit of drama... but when it came down to getting things done, they (along with the guys of the clan) always came through.

    The other great aspect of the original SWG, was the crafting system/economy. It truly was one of, if not _the_ best system to date. This of course is where I found myself. Working with leadership, we managed to recruit some of the top crafters in this game as well. With the city taking shape, our little corner quickly became known as the place to go if you wanted top end items. Armor from Cuatro, weapons from Wratzy and Nash, food buffs from Xedo, houses from Vel, droids from... me, multiple docs and combat medics, and even our own personal resource stockpile from Eli (he was probably the richest man on the server). This brought plenty of activity to our little town, and to promote it we decided to tie together the two major aspects of the game.

    Having the established vendor mall and bazaar for all the items, we only needed to make the town a PvP zone. Toward that goal we built up a massive base system that functioned as its own arena, and drew opposing guilds like moths to a flame. Now, our members didn't even have to go looking for a PvP fight... they came to the city on almost an hourly basis.

    For the most part, this is how the division stayed until Sony changed the game. Members still went our to do PvE, help defend allied cities, craft, dance, and of course... the nefarious holo-grind. It probably would have stayed as a successful division were it not for the NGE and the release of EQ2 and *shudder* WoW.
    Last edited by AOD_SgtMaj_Liquid_Smoke; 12-09-2011 at 08:43 AM.
    Angels Of Death

    They shall be Dark of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self aggrandisement.
    They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle.
    Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of man.


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