World of Warships Application
What made you interested in applying to join AOD? I’ve been a member before and never had a better experience with any other clan.
Who referred you? Me
What is your age? 40
Have your ever been a member of any PC gaming communities/clans/guilds in the past? (if yes, which one/s?) Yes, this one and some random ones in game
Are you currently in any other gaming communities/clans/guilds? (if yes, which one(s) and for which games) No
Do you have a Microphone? Yes
Have you ever used TeamSpeak 3/Discord? Yes
Please Provide Your Discord Name DarkPassenger D1atr1b3
What is your timezone & location? MST
Tell us more about yourself I love gaming with other people that are of the same mindset. Collaboration and fun.
World of Warships ingame name? D1atr1b3
Which server do you play on? NA
AOD is an honor clan. We prefer good sportsmanship over skill. Can you be happy in an environment that doesn't reward skill? Yes
Have you been a member of AOD before? Yes