I know I know, no one has posted here in a while. I do also realize I am old but I am hoping someone is still active that messes with graphics So here it goes.

Images: Luna from DeltaForce in this img https://i.imghippo.com/files/BmAu5139Eqk.png or if you have a better Idea for an image of her I am ok with that. If possible can you add the AOD logo in there blended into the img of the sig as well? If not that is ok.

IF and this is a big IF, it is not too much trouble also find a way to incorporate these in these are extremely optional though...: df2 logo https://shared.fastly.steamstatic.co...g?t=1733246331 dflw logo https://shared.fastly.steamstatic.co...g?t=1733246344 dftfd logo https://shared.fastly.steamstatic.co...g?t=1733246358 dfbhd logo https://shared.steamstatic.com/store...g?t=1733246449

Style: I am thinking Grunge, but I have been out of the graphics design game a long time. If you feel a certain style is better suited then that is ok as well.

TitanSlayer is to be put somewhere in the img and the slogan "The gods themselves tremble at my name."

thanks in advance for your time and effort!!