This is a rant for why I haven't been on recently and have no current interest to play this game, no special info.

I haven't played in a while and I don't know what my current intention is with this game. I've played it a lot, but over time my enjoyment of it has just been killed.
The game seems to have lost a lot of the passion it once had, updates were to release exciting content people would love, new ways to play, exciting events and experimental game modes
There seems to be no effort to actually improve the state of the game or make it more fun or enjoyable, I find it a chore to play with how repetitive and frustrating it has become

Especially with this next update, and many many many updates before, the game has just become a money grab. Instead of having optional premiums to help with research, premium vehicles now allow players to effortlessly break to the top of the meta by dropping $70
New tech trees are copy pasted. Top tier games are a universal point and click mission, either with darts or missiles. Even odd vehicles like the F104C which I have played over 1100 games in, or the Russian battle bus helicopters, or meme planes with tank cannons get old eventually with how repetitive gameplay is. And while I love mid tier dogfights or seal clubbing in a KV-1E, the actual effort to make this game feel like it wasn't abandoned years ago feels very absent

It's become a game less about fun and more about grinding to the next vehicle which I don't care about, and to pay money to make me dislike it a little less, or pay money to get premium vehicles, or pay money to get event vehicles, or pay money to use camouflage on my tank
Fire sales of unique vehicles locked from when the game was in infancy show how priorities have shifted, more and more irrelevant packages. Rank VIII Premiums. So much effort goes into milking the game for more money while the gameplay remains unchanged and little effort is made to actually develop the game further.

Currently my only motivation is to play squibs, however these occur at 11AM/12PM my time and thus I am often unavailable with work, or because I am spending time with my partner. Many of my high tier vehicles for squibs are also stock as I have no desire to play them
Unsure what my direction is from here both with the game and the clan.