War Thunder
What made you interested in applying to join AOD?
I've played BF2 with the clan in the past (not a member, just on the servers)
Who directed you to clanaod.net
WT Forums
What is your age?
Have your ever been a member of any PC gaming communities/clans/guilds in the past? (if yes, which one/s?)
Yes lots, but none that you've heard of.
Are you currently in any other gaming communities/clans/guilds? (IF yes, which one/s? AND what PC games do they play?)
In spirit only
Do you have a Microphone?
It is a clan rule to be on TeamSpeak while playing War Thunder. Are you okay with this rule?
What is your timezone & location?
Between what hours are you most actively gaming?
7PM - 10 PM
Tell us more about yourself
Teamspeak is a bit outdated isn't it? I always liked ventrillo but everyone uses discord now days (even you guys?) - but sure.

I'm sick of playing War Thunder solo in Air SB - War Thunder's got a terrible in game VoIP setup (which works but no one uses) and I fly VR with HOTAS in Sim mode so typing in the in-game chat is not feasible - I'd like to start coordinating with teammates
Do you agree to our Rules and Regulations?
AOD is an honor clan. We prefer good sportsmanship over skill. Can you be happy in an environment that doesnt reward skill?
What's your ingame name?
PCPaulDPearl (and PaulDPearl@psn)
Have you been a member of AOD before?
What is your in-game level ?
100 (and whatever my PSN is)
When will you (time, NOT Yes or No) be able to log into Teamspeak for our introduction?
Between 7 ad 10 PM