War Thunder Division Rules and Regulations
Please read through this entire post before applying to help save some time.
Important Clan Policies
Please click and read these 3 links:
Code of Conduct
Ranking Structure
Multi-Clanning Rule
Actions AOD members should NEVER do:
1. Do NOT go into games and make people rage quit
2. Do NOT troll players in-game or any other game in any way, shape or form.
3. Do NOT feed a flame troll, ignore them as they serve no purpose other than to upset you and cause trouble
4. Do NOT be disrespectful in-game chat. You can speak up for yourself, just keep it classy.
5. Do NOT team kill, it's pointless and will only get you a ban from the game, don't revenge team kill as well..
6. Do NOT Spawn Kill, do not go into the enemy spawn. Click here for more details of the War Thunder Spawn camping policy.
Voice Comms Rule
You are required to be in our Discord Voice Channels while logged into War Thunder.
If you are caught violating this rule, you will be given a warning. The NCO who catches you will send you a message in-game asking you to join us in Discord. Violators of this policy may be subject to removal.
We strongly recommend Push-to-Talk in the War Thunder division as a common courtesy. With Voice Activation, unwanted sounds such as sneezing or dogs barking come through, but with Push-to-Talk we can avoid that.
Member Activity
All members are expected to take part in this division. This means playing the game, being active in voice comms at least once a month or every time you play the game. This is the bare minimum that a member must do to keep their membership. AOD does not collect membership fees, it does not tell anyone how their game should be played or how good they should be at it. All that is required is participation. AOD does not want members for the sake of having members. People who merely want to wear the tags for the sake of the tag, will not be here for long.
If you are not going to be able to play the game for more then 30 days, you may request an LOA to remain in good standing. Click here for more details of how to request an LOA.
In-Game Squadron
You will be told during the introduction what in-game squadron to apply to in War Thunder. Do not leave the in-game squadron unless directly told to by a war thunder officer. Leaving the clan in-game can result in removal from AOD. We understand misclicks happen, notify a war thunder officer immediately in such a case.
AOD / In-Game Name
To make things simple for everyone, we want your in-game name and your AOD name to match or be very similar. Please make sure that you are happy with your in-game name before fully joining the clan. You are able to change your War Thunder in-game name once for free, after that it cost about $2.50.
If you already made an AOD account with a different name than your in-game name, there is no reason to make another AOD account. We will change the name during the introduction process. This will be the only time that we will happily change your AOD name. Do not change your in-game name without first asking the Sgt team of the War Thunder division.
Streaming / Recording Policy
The following must be done if you are streaming or recording:
Please make sure that there is a note (for example channel status) stating that you are streaming/ recording.
If there is not a streaming channel in the war thunder section, ask a War Thunder Sgt to make you one or create your own with the necessary notifications (Live/ Streaming etc.) about streaming.
If you enter another channel while streaming or recording, quickly verbally tell everyone in the channel that you are currently streaming or recording and if they want to join you.
Click here to view the rest of the clan's streaming policy.
If at any time you have a question about the rules, please ask a war thunder officer.
After reading and fully understanding all of our rules including the 3 links to the important clan rules at the top, reply to this post "Read and understood"